Filmovi koji su ušli u užu selekciju na 10.FIFES Junior festivalu

Bliži nam se Fifes Junior, Filmski festival kratkih i smiješnih filmova koje su napravili autori do 18. godina. Pred selekciskim odborom pronašlo se mnoštvo filmova od kojih je trebalo odabrati one koji će ući u uži krug i pronaći se pred našim stručnim žirijem. Popis filmova koji su ušli u užu selekciju nalazi se na slikama ili ga potražite na našoj web stranici na kojoj možete potražiti i ostale novosti vezane uz festival.
Ove godine po prvi puta naš jubilarni 10. FIFES Junior održati će se 17.11.2022. u Luki. Vidimo se !!!

Fifes Junior is approaching, the Film Festival of short and funny films made by authors under the age of 18. The selection committee was presented with a large number of films from which they had to choose those that would enter the shortlist and find themselves before our expert jury. The list of shortlisted films can be found in the pictures or you can find it on our website where you can find other news related to the festival.
This year, for the first time, our jubilee 10th FIFES Junior will be held on November 78, 2022. in Luka. See you !!!